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You should now begin writing your manifesto draft.

After completing the brainstorming activity, you should begin to put your manifesto in a more final form. This is the time to determine what will be at the heart of your manifesto and begin organizing your ideas into a more formal form.


Do you notice a consistent theme between the items in your Popplet? Do you see any consistent aesthetics or design elements between the items on your Pinterest board? Is there one idea that seems more interesting to you? You may also want to start thinking about the form your writing will take at this point. As you may have noticed, some manifestos are in paragraph format, some used subheads with a descriptive paragraph that follows, and some use numbered lists. Does one format seem more appropriate for the direction you are headed?


Your manifesto should have a background or history, a set of points that articulate the groups claims, or goals or defining principles, a vision statement, and a call to action. Your final manifesto should be a minimum of 500 words. However, your draft may not quite reach that amount of words. I do recommend that you strive to get close to that count. The more you have completed now, the less you have to do later and the better the feedback you can get on your draft.

Submission Guidelines

You should type your draft in Google Docs to allow for easy collaboration with your fellow classmates and me. You have free access to this software through your Mott email.


You will share your draft with your instructor ( and the assigned classmate partner(s) for review and comments. You will get some time in class to work with your partner on your draft. Please have your draft completed before the start of class week 10.

Due: March 21 (Week 10)



Classmate Feedback

You will be assigned a classmate(s) to provide feedback to. You show focus on providing them constructive feedback. While positive feedback is helpful, you should also offer some critical feedback to help them improve their manifesto.

Due: March 28 (Week 11)

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