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You need to finalize the draft of your manifesto.

After receiving feedback from your instructor and your classmate(s), you should begin finalizing your manifesto. The final version of your manifesto will be used to create the final form for your manifesto.


After receiving your feedback, you should read over it and consider what changes you might want to make to your manifesto. Feedback is just that. It is for your consideration, but you do not necessarily need to listen to it if you do not agree. You should also proof your manifesto one last time to make sure you have used the correct words, everything is spelled correctly, and that you are using proper grammar. As a reminder, your manifesto should be a minimum of 500 words (approximately one page).



Submission Guidelines

You should type your final draft in Google Docs. You have free access to this software through your Mott email.


You will share your draft with your instructor ( Your final draft should be a minimum of 500 words. I will provide any final comments or suggestions Please have your draft completed before the start of class week 12.


This draft will be used in week 12 to begin discuss how you will realize your project in its final form. It is important that you have it done in order to give you as much time as possible with the last step of the project.

Due: April 4 (Week 12)

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