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You will present your manifesto along with its final physical form to the class.

Part of being a graphic designer is the ability to talk
about your work and the thinking that went into your work. School is the perfect opportunity to hone your abilities and this project will offer you a chance to do this.


After completing your entire manifesto project, you will present the project to the class. Your final presentation should be 10 minutes in length. You should read your manifesto and then briefly explain what your thinking was in creating your manifesto. You should also show the final form your manifesto took and explain why that particular medium was most appropriate for your manifesto. Please be prepared to elaborate on your ideas. You do not need to create any formal presentation in PowerPoint unless you so choose. This presentation will be more similar to a critique in an art class.


I have a quick note about presenting your manifesto. I know many of you are nervous about presenting. My best advice is to practice before presenting. It will help make you more comfortable with the material and surer of yourself. When you are up their presenting, do your best to make eye contact. Speak clearly and loudly (or use the microphone if you cannot). Mostly, remember everyone else is also nervous and that we are all supportive of you doing well.

Submission Guidelines

You should submit the final written version your manifesto to your instructor. You should also submit the digital files for the final realization of your project. Send an email to with a subject of ART 122 Final Manifesto Project. If no digital file is available, please submit a physical copy of your project.


Your final presentation should be 10 minutes in length. There is no formal requirement to create a PowerPoint or similar type item. You should be prepared to present at the start of class.

Due: April 25 (Week 15)

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